Project Description

 Located in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, 416-420 Kent Avenue occupies 2.8 acres along the East River, comprising three-quarters of an acre of open space. The design of the site needed to comply with the New York City Department of City Planning guidelines. 

An Upland Park connection was developed between the two buildings, ultimately linking Kent Avenue to the waterfront. This open space preserved the view corridor of South 8th Street, thereby maintaining unimpeded views from the upland to the East River. A Waterfront Public Access Area establishes a continuous public open space along the river. Such a connection is made to the waterfront area of the development to the south. Areas of planting relative to paved areas were required by these guidelines, as were numbers of trees and quantities of bench types ranging from backed, backless and those with water views. 

A wonderful, engaging open space has resulted even with these specific constraints. A variety of pavement types was employed to differentiate vehicular and pedestrian zones as well as identify the waterfront walkway. A shade structure shelters moveable tables and chairs. A primarily native plant palette has been selected for its suitability along the river and ornamental characteristics.