Project Description
The 2.4 acre site for the new Life Sciences Building sits between Bowers Boulevard and Avenue I, near the historic heart of the campus. HDR proposed how the Life Sciences Building site could be so much more than simply a place for the building to rest.
HDR proposed closing down Bower’s Boulevard, creating a new greenspace while bridging the residences with the academic core, providing a space for students to gather, sit, study, and relax.
An outdoor teaching space allows students to study sustainability through cascading rain gardens, while an experimental garden serves as an outdoor classroom in ecological study.
The landscape architects created a vibrant pedestrian environment, connecting residences to the Student Center. The path system provides for more intimate areas as well. The site design was thoroughly integrated with the architecture.
Working with artist Ed Wilson, HDR selected a prominent location, for the Raven statue, creating a new landmark.
The project integrates many master plan goals, from enriching the pedestrian environment, creating a unique campus landscape, sustainable stormwater management, providing outdoor classrooms, and place making with an iconic landmark.